Al Gore gave a speech to schoolchildren just before the Inauguration of Barak Obama. He compares his claims regarding global warming and it's rejection to why "older people" rejected Galileo's claims.
He compares the certainty of global warming with the certainty of astronomy.
"When I was your age and the civil rights revolution was unfolding, and we kids asked our parents and their generation, 'Explain to me again why it's okay for the law to officially discriminate against people because of their skin color?'
"And when our parents' generation couldn't answer that question, that's when the law started to change. There are some things about our world that you know that older people don't know," he continued. "Why would that be? Well in a period of rapid change, the old assumptions sometimes just don’t work anymore because they're out of date," Gore said.
tranlation: Your parents don't get it. You do. You're smarter than your parents! They think it's OK to dump tons of pollution into the atmosphere. You know better. Global warming is as certain and as sure as the earth rotating around the sun, and anyone who disagrees is as dumb as the people who rejected Galileo.
A very clever speech, given to young people not quite educated enough to dunk it. The indoctrination of our youth continues. Who will call Al Gore to account?
Listen to a recording of the
speech here