Your question is: had an outage last night at midnight. was this maintenance?
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geoff: Hi
Angel Jewel: Hi geoff! I’m sorry to hear you’re having issues, but I'll be happy to help you today.
Angel Jewel: Geoff I would like to review your account and provide you with connection information.
geoff: yes please do
geoff: are you still there?
Angel Jewel: Yes.
Angel Jewel: May I have the phone number associated with your account, please?
geoff: 425-401-6554
Angel Jewel: thank you Geoff one moment as I locate your account.
Angel Jewel: Geoff are you able to connect to the interent with your clear device.
geoff: I am now
Angel Jewel: Around mid-night the towers do get updated this could of caused your internet connection to be lost.
geoff: it was out for about a half hour
geoff: I work at night and uptime at that time is important to me
geoff: my connection to my work was interrupted
Angel Jewel: I do apologize that this has happened. I would recommend if this does happen again contact us via the phone to trouble shoot to see if we can get you to by pass the outage.
geoff: your phone support is not open at midnight
Angel Jewel: Geoff even rotating your device and moving it to another location can help.
geoff: or did that change recently? I've called in the past and wound up wasting my time getting a recording
geoff: I've experimented moving the device around, and the location it is in now has very good reception 99.9% of the time.
geoff: but last night it just went to chasing lights with no connection for a half hour
Angel Jewel: Okay, moving your device and powercycling can help.
geoff: is there a way for you to search and see if there was any scheduled maintenance last night that was affecting my area?
Angel Jewel: I would not be able to see that information now.
geoff: what does Clear consider acceptable downtime ?
Angel Jewel: During this time it can take usually 2 to 24 hours.
geoff: so it's OK if my service is down for 2 hours?
Angel Jewel: If your service is out for that period of time we will credit your account for time with out service.
geoff: what about 30 minutes?
Angel Jewel: Geoff if i gave you a prorated credit for 30 mintues with out service it would only be a couple of cents.
geoff: so you're saying that Clear considers a 30 minute outage that interrupts my work essentially worth pennies.
Angel Jewel: The credit is prorated.
geoff: what incentive is there for Clear to keep their network up ?
Angel Jewel: What do you mean Geoff.
geoff: I mean, it seems like Clear doesn't really care if their network goes down for a few hours because if anyone notices and complains, they can send them a credit for 50 cents.
Angel Jewel: Geoff in our terms of service is it states we only apply credit to account that had no service for 24 hours or more. If there is an issue with our end.
geoff: so the answer to the former question is: Clear considers outages of up to 24 hours acceptable service.
Angel Jewel: It is not because we do not care for our customers. I do understand the fraustrations, but i this is company policy.
Angel Jewel: It is not our intention to not have service. However, being that we are a wireless internet provider sometimes occasional updates to our towers are necessary which may interfere temporarily with your ability to get online. Also, we do perform routine maintenance to ensure that our service operates to the best of our ability. I do apologize for any period of time in which you were unable to use your service.
geoff: Ok, I think we've talked around this issue enough today.
Angel Jewel: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
geoff: No.