Tonight we started at the Elysian Brewery on Capitol Hill in Seattle. People gathered and waited for the 7:00 start time.
Once 7:00 hit people funneled out onto the street. As we left the staging site, we were prompted "Don't stop - roll through lights and stop signs" - and we did. I don't know how long the whole group of bikes was, but we did what we were told - ride together, and keep moving, rolling through stop signs and lights (green or red). It was a blast, and mostly downhill. When we finally got onto Airport way, we had a tailwind, so it was easy pedalling to Georgetown. The whole ride was about 5 miles.
Mass ride to the party
Bike parking at the site is at a premium:
Once we got to the party site I found the main area quite empty:
It was a short line to get a "water bottle" for $15.00 -
good for unlimited refills of beer at one of the two mobile keg tap sites, being operated by the Rat City Roller girls.
There is a stage with rotating bands for the evening. They start out kind of mellow and ramp up as the night wears on. Video of Band number one
As it got later, people who had come for the party and not just the ride filled up the main area, and spilled out to secondary sites. Some bikers started using the nearby ramps to do some trick riding.
There were food trucks, and I had a roast beef and swiss sandwich. This was in the window of the food truck:
There are all kinds of bikes here, lots of custom jobs including this side-by-side tandem that was fitted with a flaming ball on top:
Flaming tandem bike video
The party backs up to some railroad tracks, and a few urban artists were painting on the warehouse wall in real time. I've never seen taggers at work before:
You never know what you're going to see at DBB party -- including a fellow with his pet Monitor:
Further down the street at the secondary area, they had some bike races going on with little kids bikes.
Kids bike races video
After that was over they used the kid bikes for the 'bike toss' - how far can you throw a bike? on the same course.
By this time, the main area had filled up:
The second band took the stage. I told you they get less mellow as the night wears on!
Second DBB 2015 band
By 9:00 I had seen what I had come to see, had enough beer, and was ready to head home. Got my bike, rode up Airport way, and then over the I-90 bridge. Saw a nice evening sky over Seattle:
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