Saturday, October 11, 2008

Iris tubers for free BAG COUNTER

Please note the current total and subtract the bags you are going to take OR took. We are starting with 30 bags of tubers.


Geoff in Bellevue said...

One bag for me. 29 left now.

kcbelles said...

I'm coming! Right in the neighborhood, a few blocks over - soon as I can get the dog up lol

Geoff in Bellevue said...

as of Sunday AM at 9:00 there are 9 bags left.

kcbelles said...

Thank you - picked up 1 big bag and one really small bag (for a friend who loves irises!) There were just a few left about not quite an hour ago.

Geoff in Bellevue said...

as of 12:30 Monday Oct 13 there was one bag left (black plastic).

cattachick said...

As usual, I'm a date late and a dollar short. I just saw this posting. Are there by any chance any tubers left?
