Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cats and malls

So I was up until 2:30 this morning working (and watching TV) and decided I was not going to get up until I had 8 hrs of sleep. Woke up at 9:30 and forced myself back to bed. Had this interesting dream.
Fran (my wife) and I were down in Burien, or thereabouts, and had gone to a car dealer. We had given them our car and taken their loaner car. While driving it in the dark down a bad part of town, I nearly ran over some large rocks. I had to get out of the car to move a few, and then decided we could just drive down a one foot dropoff that had been paved, quite steep but we made it. We wound up at a mall. We stopped at a house outside the mall, where I picked up a cat, then Fran and I got separated. This guy said to me "follow me, I see her" and he climbed through a two foot square hole in the wall. It wound up being the backroom of one of the stores. I followed him for a bit, up the back stairs that looked like they had made this mall from an old building, and then wound up in another back room for Home Depot, where there were two guards who questioned me, and then told me I could get to the mall by going outside, which I did, after passing a forklift that had driven in front of me and parked very close to another forklift.
When I got outside, I went into another house (now I have my cat again) that had a funny two part door, like leaning pieces of plywood over a hole, and they had about a dozen cats. My cat got a bit upset once but calmed down. I chatted with them for a minute or two and then said I needed to get going. Closing the door without letting any of the cats out was tricky, some were as small as mice. They helped me close the door. Then my phone rang, it was the car company wondering when I was going to bring the loaner car back. Yeah, well as soon as I find my wife, get rid of this cat, find the car. I decided it was all too much hassle at this point and waking up would be much easier, and I did.

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